WeChat Official Account Adds New Title Modification Feature

TapTechNews July 9th news, after introducing the function of modifying配图 (illustrations) on August 15th last year, WeChat Official Account quietly added the function of modifying the title today. Referring to the prompt in the backstage of the WeChat Official Account, users can make changes to the article through the Modification entrance of the WeChat Official Account. Each piece of content can modify the article title once, now supporting the modification within 3 characters of the title.

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TapTechNews learned that if the administrator modifies the title, The title has been modified will be displayed at the beginning of the article, and the modified title will take effect in the article page, the home page of the official account, and the sharing card newly received by users.

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In addition to modifying the title, WeChat also supports modifying the body text (limited to within 20 characters) and illustrations (limited to 3 images). After modifying the essay and images, the modification time will be displayed at the bottom of the article.
