Microsoft's Next-Gen Xbox Console May Have Built-in Steam Client

TapTechNews May 24th news, foreign media Windows Central editor Jez Corden recently revealed that Microsoft's next-generation Xbox game console is expected to have a built-in Steam client and support playing Steam games.

It is reported that previously there was news that 'Microsoft plans to acquire Valve with a full cash of 16 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 116 billion yuan)'. Regarding this rumor, Jez Corden believes in the latest blog that 'it is not believable'. But Corden also said that Steam will 'be 100% part of the next-generation Xbox console'.

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TapTechNews has previously reported many times about the rumors of Microsoft's next-generation Xbox game console. This game console is expected to be released in 2026 and will use 'Call of Duty' as the escort masterpiece. It is said that Microsoft will also launch a handheld version created by the Surface team in addition to the regular console form.

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In the Microsoft Xbox special program in February this year, Xbox president Sarah Bond mentioned the next-generation Xbox hardware when giving a speech and claimed that this will be 'the biggest technological leap you have ever seen', and she also said that she will share some 'exciting hardware products' and 'the next-generation road map' during this year's 'holiday' (TapTechNews note: generally refers to this year's Christmas holiday).
