Ideal Auto's Intelligent Driving Updates and Layoffs

TapTechNews June 8th news, according to 21st Century Business Herald, on the morning of June 7th, Lang Xianpeng, the vice president of Ideal Auto's intelligent driving, held an all-department staff meeting and explained to the employees the background of this company-wide layoff and the layoffs of intelligent driving department employees, stating that the company has its difficulties, and so do I.

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He said this move was due to the need of business adjustment. At the same time, he also promised the entire department that the current layoffs in the intelligent driving department have ended, and if one more person leaves in the intelligent driving, the first person to leave will be me.

The next focus of Ideal Auto's intelligent driving department is to mass-produce the no-map urban NOA and gradually replace the map-based scheme. However, he did not give the specific time when the no-map urban NOA would be pushed to users.

Today, Li Xiang, the chairman and CEO of Ideal Auto, revealed at the 2024 China Auto Chongqing Forum that Ideal Auto will launch the national no-map NOA in the third quarter of this year.

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TapTechNews noted that in May this year, multiple independent sources claimed that after the May Day holiday, Ideal was conducting a new round of company-wide personnel optimization, with the overall optimization proportion exceeding 18%. The 2023 financial report shows that Ideal Auto has nearly 31,600 people. According to the optimization ratio, this round of optimization involves more than 5,600 people.

Just one month after Ideal Auto started large-scale layoffs, on June 5th, there were reports that Ideal is trying to recall some of the laid-off employees in key positions.

An Ideal Auto R & D personnel said that currently, some laid-off employees at the testing end have received the notice of being recalled, and the previously negotiated compensation has not been distributed, and the subsequent compensation for this part will not be provided to the recalled employees. The contracts involving employees will be directly continued, and it is not clear yet about the recall scale and the proportion in each department.
