Nezha Automobile Hood Incident and Response

TapTechNews June 8th news. Recently, during a live streaming event in which Zhou Hongyi, the founder and chairman of 360 Group, participated, when the host sat on the front hood of Nezha L, a dent occurred. Later, President Chu hit it with the back of his hand to restore the front cover. This incident quickly attracted widespread attention on the Internet. In response, Nezha Automobile made an official response.

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Nezha Automobile officials stated that the materials of the car hood commonly used in the mainstream at this stage will have a certain degree of elasticity, mainly for the purpose of reducing the harm to pedestrians when a pedestrian collision occurs in an extreme situation and the pedestrian is bounced up and falls on the hood. The design of Nezha L also adheres to the perspective of vehicle safety from the very beginning.

Nezha also revealed that another product point is the design of 'lightweight' of many vehicles at this stage. Nezha L uses a mixed body structure of high-strength steel and aluminum alloy with a higher cost. This body design not only improves the rigidity and impact resistance of the body, but also reduces the curb weight of the car as much as possible under the premise of ensuring the strength and safety performance of the car, thereby improving the power performance of the car and reducing the consumption of electricity to achieve the maximization of the comprehensive cruising range.

TapTechNews attached the official complete response as follows:

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