Wukong Car Rental Founder Urges Luo Yonghao to File Lawsuit Against Himself

TapTechNews September 18th news, Hu Xianhe, the founder and CEO of Wukong Car Rental, posted today, urging Luo Yonghao to file a lawsuit against himself.

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TapTechNews attaches Hu Xianhe's original text as follows:

Luo XX, on September 12th, I criticized your six major misdeeds. I said you are an internet big monster. On September 12th, you didn't you forward my Weibo and respond that it was a rogue article that splashed dirty water, asking everyone to help you forward it. When the number of forwards reaches a certain level, you will file a lawsuit against me? Now the number of direct forwards has exceeded 1800, and the number of reads has exceeded 560,000. Why haven't you filed a lawsuit yet? I hope you initiate a lawsuit, so that I can present more facts and reasons to beat you, this big monster. If you don't file a lawsuit, it means that the six major misdeeds I enumerated about you all hit your pain points and are undeniable facts. You are心虚 (nervous) and you don't dare to file a lawsuit. Look, the result of the online poll also shows that you are an internet big monster. The eyes of netizens are雪亮. I'm waiting for your lawsuit! Please hurry.

Attached are the six major misdeeds of the internet big monster Luo XX: The first major misdeed: The first person in China to cyberbully, a famous double standard, an internet big monster. The second major misdeed: Ungrateful, a modern version of Chen Shimei. The third major misdeed: Shedding the shell like a cicada, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, betraying trust and righteousness, without dignity. The fourth major misdeed: Switching concepts, distorting cause and effect, reversing black and white, confusing right and wrong, fooling the public. The fifth major misdeed: The True Repayment Story is false, and the purpose is to make more money, a false hero, a true egoist. The sixth major misdeed: None of the entrepreneurial projects succeed, wasting social resources, but without self-reflection.

On September 12th, Hu Xianhe posted a cannon attack against Luo Yonghao, calling him an internet big monster. He said that his main purpose in posting is to trigger everyone's reflection on whether having a loud voice in online speech means being reasonable. He believes that Zheng Gang was deceived and bullied by Luo XX, not only suffering a huge material loss but also suffering from online violence.

Then Luo Yonghao forwarded and said, A rogue article that splashed dirty water. The original source is here. This person's Weibo has few people viewing it. Everyone help forward it, thank you. When the number of forwards is enough, a lawsuit can be filed against him.

TapTechNews note: Hu Xianhe's previous Weibo name was @Hu Xianhe, the founder of Wukong Travel, and has now been changed to @Hu Xianhe, the founder of Wukong Car Rental.

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