Tencent's New Rules on Video Account Digital Human Live Streaming Considered Low-Quality Content

On June 17th, TapTechNews reported that recently, Tencent revised the Implementation Rules for Video Account Window Talents' Publication of Low-Quality Content. The revised content underwent opinion collection from June 7th to June 13th of this year.

The latest plan shows that involving virtual human/digital human live streaming such as using plugins, AI and other tools to generate virtual images for live broadcasts and providing, selling, teaching or displaying content that the platform does not advocate spreading: such as explaining and selling virtual human live-streaming surrogate software will be clearly included in the low-quality content by the video account and be dealt with for violations.

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According to a report by The Paper today, relevant sources disclosed that using digital human/virtual human live streaming is currently a violation in the platform's live-streaming with goods, and if discovered by the platform, penalties will be imposed according to relevant rules, including but not limited to reducing live-stream recommendations, reducing account recommendations, restricting the ability to live-stream with goods, etc..

The source said that the platform hopes and encourages real human anchors to have real-time interaction with the audience.

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It is known that Yanxi generates exclusive images and movements through JD.com's intelligent multimodal interaction and image driving technology, and outputs live-streaming copy for automatic broadcasting through AI text generation and voice generation technology, claiming that it can help merchants reduce the cost of live-streaming with goods by up to 95% and increase the average sales by more than 30%.

On April 16th of this year, Liu Qiangdong's AI digital human Caixiao Dongge will start its live-stream debut and simultaneously appear in the live-streaming rooms of JD Home Appliances and JD Supermarkets.

In May of this year, Who is responsible for counterfeit goods sold by digital human live-stream became a hot topic on Weibo, and many consumers raised questions such as who is actually selling goods in the digital human anchor's live-streaming room and if there are problems with the after-sales of goods, will the enterprise push the responsibility to the outsourced digital human technology company and play the pass-the-buck game.

In this regard, Rao Wei, deputy director of the Consumer Rights Professional Committee of the Beijing Lawyers Association and senior partner of Beijing Tianchi Jun Tai Law Firm, said: Behind the 'digital human' is actually the individual or company operating the digital account. These operators use the image of the digital human for the sale o f goods, and in essence, they play the role of the seller. Therefore, the operators need to bear the corresponding safety responsibility for the product quality sold through the 'digital human'.
