Huawei Announces 2024 Olympus Challenges and Awards at Global Data Storage Forum

TapTechNews May 24th news, at yesterday's 2024 Global Data Storage Professors Forum, Huawei held the 2023 Olympus Award Ceremony and announced the 2024 Olympus new challenges with rewards. At the same time, the first Olympus Advisory Committee was established at the forum, consisting of 12 renowned scientists with extensive influence in the global data storage-related fields.

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Since 2019, Huawei has annually announced the million-dollar rewards for Olympus challenges, aiming to guide the basic theoretical research direction in the global data storage field, break through key technical difficulties, accelerate the industrialization of scientific research achievements, and achieve win-win cooperation among industry, universities, and research institutes. The 'Olympus Reward' has been released for four issues and has attracted the participation of more than 240 scholars from 49 universities around the world.

The million-dollar reward for Olympus challenges sets 2 Olympus Awards, one for each challenging direction. If there is a vacancy in a certain challenging direction award, 1-2 Olympus Pioneer Awards will be added. The bonus for each Olympus Award is 1 million Chinese yuan, and the bonus for each Olympus Pioneer Award is 500,000 Chinese yuan.

The forum announced multiple awards for 2023 Olympus:

Professor Torsten Hoefler's team from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and Professor Guo Yi Min's team from Shanghai Jiao Tong University won the 2023 Olympus Award.

Professor You Yang's team from the National University of Singapore, Professor John Kim's team from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Teacher Yang Tong's team from Peking University, and Teacher Wang Ying's team from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences won the 2023 Olympus Pioneer Award.

TapTechNews attached the two major challenges of 2023 Olympus:

Challenge 1: Storage technology with ultimate cost-effectiveness per bit

Facing the emergence of various new non-volatile media and the development of new high-speed network protocols, research on storage architecture innovation, medium application innovation, and storage medium breakthroughs to build a storage system with ultimate cost-effectiveness per bit.

Challenge 2: Data enabling and resilience technology for emerging businesses

Facing the high-speed data processing demands and new trends of data resilience for diverse equipment and new application loads in data centers, research on data enabling and governance technologies for new scenarios such as AI, data resilience and high-reliability technologies to build data enabling and resilience technology for emerging businesses.

To promote continuous breakthroughs in basic technical fields, Huawei officially announced the two major challenges of 2024 Olympus to the world:

One is storage technology with ultimate cost-effectiveness per bit

The other is a new data base for the AI era

Huawei hopes to work together with the academic community this year in the directions of storage architecture innovation for large-scale data processing, application innovation of hierarchical storage media for massive data, storage cluster technology for large models, high-cost-performance training and promotion technology for enterprises/edges and new forms of storage, and new data management and efficient processing technologies for AI scenarios to jointly tackle difficulties and build a high-quality data storage system.

At this forum, Huawei's data storage product line established the first Olympus Advisory Committee, consisting of renowned scienti sts with extensive influence in the global data storage-related fields. The Olympus Advisory Committee aims to provide guidance on the challenging directions, promote the global influence of the Olympus Award, boost the prosperity of the academic ecosystem in the data storage-related fields, and attract more global research teams to invest in data storage field research.

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Related readings:

Huawei's 2023 Olympus Award Open to the World for Public Solicitation, with a Single-item Bonus of up to 1 million Chinese yuan

Huawei Announces the 2022 Olympus Award Winners List, with a Bonus of up to 1 million Chinese yuan
