SAIC To Reverse Export Hybrid Systems and Smart Cabin Technologies to Foreign Auto Brands

TapTechNews, May 11th - During the recently held Roewe DMH Super Hybrid Technology brand launch, SAIC revealed its 'DMH Super Hybrid Technology' brand.

Lu Yong, Deputy General Manager of SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Company and Executive Deputy Dean of SAIC Innovation Research and Development Academy, shared that SAIC Group will engage in multifaceted technical collaborations with other automotive brands.

He stated, 'In the future, SAIC Group's vehicle body platforms, plug-in hybrid systems, and smart driving cabin technologies will be made available for reverse export to some foreign brands.'

'Currently, the flourishing of hybrid technology, the abundance of products, and growing consumer acceptance foresee a 1:1 ratio between pure electric and plug-in hybrids by 2025. The era of plug-in hybrids is truly upon us.'

The DMH Super Hybrid Technology is characterized by its modularity, integration, and exclusiveness. Designed modularly, the system can accommodate different hybrid configurations like PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle)/EREV (Extended Range Electric Vehicle)/HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle), catering to global driving demands and fuel economy regulations.

This system features comprehensive thermal management in the 'energy domain', a central powertrain brain called PICU, and an engine + P1 electric motor co-axial structure among other leading technologies. Focusing on software algorithms, and matched with hybrid-specific high-efficiency engines, transmission systems, and long-range batteries, it achieves a superior integration of software and hardware.

TapTechNews noted that the DMH Super Hybrid Technology has been equipped in models such as the Roewe D7DMH and Roewe D5XDMH, with the Roewe D7DMH achieving a record 1962km range in a long-distance endurance challenge, averaging 2.8L per 100km (approximately 84 MPG).

Qiu Jie, Deputy Dean of SAIC Innovation Research and Development Academy and General Manager of Jieneng Automotive, outlined that over the next three years, the DMH Super Hybrid Technology brand will see substantial enhancements in five key areas: engines, transmissions, batteries, motors, and energy control brains. For instance, they will aim to break through a 46% thermal efficiency in engines and be pioneers in meeting the 'Euro 7' emissions standards domestically; transmission systems on hybrid electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle extensions will adopt a new dual co-axial configuration; the energy control brain will continue to improve, anticipating the next generation of vehicle energy center concept to be unveiled by 2025.
