Douyin Starts to Governance 'Unscrupulous Pursuit of Traffic'contents

TapTechNews June 5th news, Douyin officials announced today that they will carry out the governance of relevant contents about 'teaching the skills of 'unscrupulous pursuit of traffic'', and focus on cracking down on the contents and accounts that teach illegal and non-compliant 'traffic codes'. TapTechNews attaches the original text as follows:

When the platform recently governed the behavior of 'unscrupulous pursuit of traffic', it was found that some accounts, by taking advantage of the information gap between ordinary users and the platform rules, distort the platform rules and convey false platform information through means such as exaggerating effects and creating anxiety, teaching the so-called 'little tips of operating accounts' that are illegal and non-compliant.

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These illegal 'operating skills' and'starting account bibles' contain a large amount of content that guides users to 'do everything possible to ride on social hotspots', 'create personas against public order and good customs', 'elf-directed and acted-out fakery', and 'infringement and piracy'. Some of these accounts also involve guiding users to buy the so-called'services' and 'courses' from third parties, but the content users buy after paying is not only illegal but also poorly made, and many users have no way to defend their rights after realizing they have been deceived.

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For illegal contents and accounts, the platform will take measures such as taking down contents, silencing accounts, and canceling profit-making rights to deal with them. For suspected criminal water army groups, the platform will collect clues and report to the police.

Douyin also reminds everyone not to easily believe all kinds of 'unscrupulous pursuit of traffic' operating skills to avoid being punished for the accounts that they have worked hard to operate due to violations. Do not privately contact the so-called 'teachers' and buy 'courses' from third parties to avoid being deceived; and even more do not join the editing 'online earning' team and release 'low-quality', 'identical', 'riding on hotspots', and 'infringement' content by 'listening to the command', so as not to be unwittingly utilized by the water army groups and damage their legitimate rights and interests and waste energy and money.
