Google's New Move in AI Noam Shazeer to Lead Gemini Project

TapTechNews August 23rd news, according to TheInformation's morning report Beijing time today, the message sent by Google to its employees shows that Noam Shazeer, the co-founder and former CEO of Character.AI who returned to Google this month, will serve as the co-technical lead of Google's AI project Gemini.

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Shazeer will work with Jeff Dean and Oriol Vinyals, who have long been engaged in artificial intelligence research at Google, to develop Gemini, and its goal is to compete with OpenAI's large language model GPT.

Earlier this month, the start-up Character.AI announced that the company has signed an agreement with Google's parent company Alphabet, granting this search engine giant a non-exclusive license to use its large language model. Noam Shazeer and Daniel de Freitas, the co-founders of Character.AI, will return to Google, and a Google spokesperson had previously announced that Noam would join the DeepMind research team.

Since this year, there have been many cases where tech giants have incorporated the top leaders of AI start-ups into their own teams. Similar big fish eat small fish examples include Microsoft spending 650 million US dollars in March this year to hire the co-founder of AI start-up Inflection and dozens of its employees, and in June this year, Amazon hired several co-founders and their employees of another artificial intelligence start-up Adept.
