NetEase's 2024 Q2 Report Revenue Growth and Blizzard Games' Return

TapTechNews August 23rd news, NetEase released its second quarter report of 2024 as of June 30 yesterday: The net revenue was 25.5 billion yuan, increasing by 6.1% year-on-year. The net profit attributable to shareholders of NetEase was 6.8 billion yuan, while it was 7.6 billion yuan and 8.2 billion yuan in the previous quarter and the same period of the previous year respectively.

In the conference call after the release of the financial report, Hu Zhipeng, vice president of NetEase, disclosed: After the return of , we have seen that the return of players is very positive, and all data have exceeded our previous expectations. The new and old players' new addition ratio is about 4:6. This shows that this game not only has the ability to attract the return of old players, but also has the ability to attract new players.

Hu Zhipeng also said: The return of the game will undoubtedly increase the company's revenue in the PC game. Other games of Blizzard will also return one after another. We have established a close relationship and consensus with the Blizzard team of each product. I think the return of the game is not just an operation of restarting the server, but to make full preparations to bring better experiences to players. After this return, a direct point-to-point deep cooperation has been established between Blizzard and the Leihuo R & D team. I believe this will lay a good credit foundation for other deep cooperations in the future.

TapTechNews previously reported that the expansion pack will be launched globally simultaneously on August 27th, which is also the first large expansion pack after the return of the national server.

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In addition, the national server of Blizzard's will return on September 25th, and players can get all missed cards in 2023 for free. The return time of other games has not been announced yet.

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