Hacker Gets 270GB of The New York Times' Internal Data

TapTechNews June 10th. Recently, the security firm vx-underground released a report that exposed that a hacker had obtained 270 gigabytes (approximately 253.905597 megabytes) of internal IT data from the confidential GitHub repository of The New York Times.

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TapTechNews learned that the security company detected that a hacker publicly disclosed a batch of alleged internal IT files from The New York Times in an underground forum, which contains more than 6200 folders and holds approximately 3.6 million Tar compressed files, mainly involving IT documents and program source codes, etc.

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According to the hacker's description, he obtained a total of 270 gigabytes (approximately 253.905597 megabytes) of internal data, mainly involving approximately 5000 GitHub repositories inside The New York Times company, among which it is said that only less than 30 are encrypted and protected, and others can be freely viewed.

It is reported that The New York Times has currently released a report confirming this security incident. The report mentioned that the relevant event is related to the credential leakage of the company's GitHub repository in January this year. The New York Times claims that the company has taken mitigation actions in the first place, Currently, there is no evidence that the company's internal systems have been hacked, and The company's operations have not been affected in any way.

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