AMD Statement on Data Leak Incident

AMD, through Bloomberg, released a statement on June 22, TapTechNews reported: According to our preliminary investigation results, this data leak incident came from a third-party supplier website (providing services for assembling some AMD products), and very little information was disclosed. This data leak incident will not have a significant impact on our business or operations..

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TapTechNews reported on June 19 that the hacker IntelBroker started selling the data of AMD on the forum, claiming that it contained AMD employee information, financial documents and confidential information, and shared some screenshots of AMD certificates, but he did not disclose the details of the price and contact information.

According to DarkWebInformer, the threat actor also stated that this data includes an employee database that contains user IDs, last names and first names, job functions, business phone numbers, email addresses and employment status.

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AMD previously released a statement stating that it is investigating the cyber attack incident: A cybercriminal organization claims to have stolen data from AMD, and we are closely working with law enforcement officers and third-party hosting partners to investigate the incident and the importance of the data.

Related reading:

Was AMD's customer information and other confidential data stolen? Official response: Has started to investigate.
