Chinese University of Science and Technology Team Sets New Perovskite Battery Efficiency Record

TapTechNews July 9th news, TapTechNews learned from the official website of the University of Science and Technology of China that on July 3rd, the international authoritative solar cell world record list Solarcell Efficiency Tables (Version 64) released the perovskite battery performance world record of the team led by Professor Xu Jixian from the University of Science and Technology of China, with the certified steady-state efficiency reaching 26.7%.

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Perovskite solar cells are solar cells that use organometallic halide semiconductors of perovskite type as light-absorbing materials. They belong to the third-generation solar cells and are also known as new concept solar cells. Compared with traditional crystalline silicon solar cells, they have the advantages of higher efficiency, lower cost, better flexibility and transparency.

This is the third consecutive time that this team has updated the world record list on behalf of the University of Science and Technology of China after 2022 (Version 60) and 2023 (Version 63). The certified efficiency of the inverted device created by this team in 2023, 26.1%, achieved a double breakthrough of the perovskite battery efficiency exceeding 26% and breaking the monopoly world record of traditional formal devices. This achievement is another leading breakthrough after continuous arduous research and has a positive promoting effect on building tandem cells.

This research is the latest achievement of Professor Xu Jixian's team in new perovskite single-junction and the next-generation crystalline silicon-perovskite tandem battery, which has a promoting effect on industrialization.
