iOS 17.5 Update Restores Deleted Photos for Some Users

TapTechNews May 16th report, TapTechNews reported yesterday that some users have reported that after updating to the latest iOS 17.5 system, photos that have been deleted for many years have reappeared. The topic of iOS 17.5 restores deleted photos from many years ago has also become a hot search term.

 iOS 17.5 Update Restores Deleted Photos for Some Users_1

According to Beijing Youth Daily, on May 16th, Apple's technical consultant stated that they have indeed received some feedback from users regarding this issue, but the specific reasons are still under investigation by Apple. The technical advisor further stated, If the problem reappears after the update and can be deleted again, then it means there is no problem. The advisor also reassured users about the privacy and security of their data, mentioning that even if photos are uploaded to iCloud, Apple cannot access them. Apple will address the issue through software updates or other means in the next steps.

As of TapTechNews's publication, Apple has not yet responded to this issue. Some users speculate that iOS 17.5 may have made changes to the photo application, requiring a reindexing of the photo library, which could have led to this problem. However, official confirmation is awaited.
