Google Introduces Travel Planning Features for Gemini at I/O 2024 Conference in Washington Time

Google introduced travel planning features for Gemini at the I/O 2024 developer conference today, combining personal information and public transportation information to help users plan and book flights, hotels, and more.

Google said Gemini could mine specific details such as flight times and hotel bookings based on user prompts, and craft a suitable vacation itinerary in a matter of seconds.

Sissie Hsiao, Vice President and General Manager of Gemini at Google, said that manually planning a trip could take hours, days, or even weeks, while Gemini could do it almost instantly.

Hsiao stated that Gemini's planning is dynamic, allowing users to further adjust the plan based on later prompts and other requirements.

TapTechNews provided an official example: 'My family and I are going to Miami for Labor Day. My son loves art, and my husband really wants to eat fresh seafood. Can you pull up my flight and hotel details from Gmail and help me plan our weekend?'

Gemini will then create an itinerary based on the flight and hotel details contained in the user's email. The feature will also leverage Google Maps to find nearby restaurants and cultural attractions, and filter out various choices based on specific prompts (such as dietary restrictions or items to avoid). Google said the new travel planning feature will land on Gemini Advanced in the coming months.

2024 Google I/O Developer Conference Special
