XPeng Motors Announces Employee Welfare Plans on 10th Anniversary

TapTechNews August 15th news, blogger @Clownyx disclosed today that He Xiaopeng announced three employee welfare plans at the 10th anniversary internal meeting of XPeng Motors: talent cultivation, family care, and retirement benefits.

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TapTechNews sorted out as follows:

Talent Cultivation: From today on, for those who have completed the postgraduate or doctoral degree improvement, a one-time scholarship will be given: 3000 RMB per person for a master's degree and 10000 RMB per person for a doctoral degree;

Family Care: The XPeng New Generation Plan was released. Employees' families with a new second child or a new first child with twins from today will be given 10,000 RMB; 30,000 RMB will be given for a new third child and above;

Retirement Benefits: Provide one-time commemorative stock and other retirement payout benefits for employees who have worked continuously in the company for 5 years / more than 10 years and retire at XPeng.
