Mijia Memory Foam Deep Sleep Pillow Listed on YouPin

TapTechNews May 20th news, the Mijia Memory Foam Deep Sleep Pillow has been recently listed on YouPin, with a standard model crowdfunding price of $22.6 (159 yuan) and a taller model crowdfunding price of $24.1 (169 yuan). The activity time is from 10 am on May 22nd to 10 am on May 29th.

Mijia Memory Foam Deep Sleep Pillow Listed on YouPin_0

TapTechNews learned that the pillow core of this product selects the innovative air-sense memory foam. When the user lies down, the head and neck are immediately softly wrapped, while also being able to feel the supporting force brought by the rebound. The air-sense memory foam can actively support the cervical spine, making the head, neck, and shoulders balanced in force. The shoulder and neck area adopts a C-shaped cut to fit the natural curvature of the cervical spine, and the neck is not easy to be suspended.

Mijia Memory Foam Deep Sleep Pillow Listed on YouPin_1

This product also adopts the third-generation non-temperature-sensitive technology, so that the memory foam is not affected by the ambient temperature and seasonal changes. It is said to have a soft touch like the same in all four seasons. The A side of the pillowcase uses a soft and skin-friendly material, and the B side uses a breathable material; the pillow surface is widened to 27.6 inches (70 cm), and it is not easy to get a stiff neck when turning over.

In addition, this product also provides two height versions of 8 cm standard model and 10 cm taller model, which are suitable for different people.
