Long March 2D Launch Vehicle Successfully Sends Beijing-3C Constellation into Orbit

TapTechNews May 20th news, according to CCTV News report, at 11:06 on May 20, 2024, the Long March 2D launch vehicle successfully sent the Beijing-3C constellation into the preset orbit at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, and the launch mission achieved a complete success.

Long March 2D Launch Vehicle Successfully Sends Beijing-3C Constellation into Orbit_0

The Long March 2D launch vehicle that executed this mission was a normal-temperature liquid two-stage launch vehicle developed by Shanghai Aerospace in general. The takeoff thrust is about 300 tons (about 272 metric tons), and the capacity for the 700-kilometer Sun-synchronous circular orbit is 1.3 tons (about 1181 kilograms), and it has the ability to execute single-satellite and multi-satellite launch missions with different orbital requirements at the three major satellite launch centers of Jiuquan, Taiyuan, and Xichang.

In this launch, it was a one-arrow four-satellite launch. In order to maximize the use of the space inside the satellite fairing, the model adopted a staggered parallel layout of two high and two low according to the shape of the satellite. At the same time, the Long March 2D test team also cooperated with the satellite side to carry out a number of special reviews such as satellite safety clearance, dynamic displacement, satellite solar array deployment, and satellite-rocket spacing and satellite-rocket joint operation at the launch site to ensure the complete success of the mission.

TapTechNews found out that this launch is the 90th launch of the Long March 2D launch vehicle and also the 523rd launch of the Long March series launch vehicles. The satellite launched this time was developed by the Aerospace Dongfanghong Satellite Co., Ltd. affiliated to the Fifth Research Institute of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group.
