
TapTechNews July 16th news, Ubisoft's game Avatar: Pandora's Frontier first DLC - The SkyBreaker officially goes on sale today. This work is included in the game season pass, and the (season pass) price is $29.99 (TapTechNews note: currently about 218 RMB). TapTechNews attaches the product page address as follows (click here to visit).

According to the introduction, players can explore a new area named The Heart of the Plains in this DLC, and the game also adds a new legendary rarity category, while the level cap is adjusted to 25, and Ubisoft will add new skill levels for players.

Official introduction of the game DLC:

A mysterious shadow looms over the sky, threatening the Na'vi tribe that is celebrating the great harvest of the hunt below. The first story pack of Avatar: Pandora's Frontier will be launched on July 16th, and face the Resources Development Bureau to safeguard the unity among the tribes.

The SkyBreaker story pack is already included in the Avatar: Pandora's Frontier Gold Edition.

Game DLC image appreciation:




