OpenAI's GPT-4o Drives Record Revenue Growth for ChatGPT Mobile App

TapTechNews May 20th news, OpenAI has recently released its latest artificial intelligence model GPT-4o, which has led to an unprecedented increase in the revenue of the company's mobile application ChatGPT. Although GPT-4o is freely available on the official website, this is not the case for the mobile version of ChatGPT. Users who want to experience this latest technology on their phones need to upgrade to OpenAI's paid subscription service ChatGPT Plus, with a monthly fee of 19.99 US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 145 Chinese yuan).

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This strategic decision has stimulated the demand for the subscription service among mobile users and thus created the highest mobile revenue growth ever for OpenAI. Data from the application intelligence company Appfigures shows that on the day of the GPT-4o release, the net revenue of the ChatGPT mobile application skyrocketed by 22% and continued to increase in the following days. By Tuesday, the net revenue reached 900,000 US dollars (currently about 6.507 million Chinese yuan), almost twice the daily average (491,000 US dollars) (the net revenue data is calculated after the commission taken by Apple and Google stores).

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Before this, ChatGPT had a smaller revenue peak, which occurred in April this year, but it was just an abnormally high revenue for one day, not a continuous growth. Appfigures pointed out that the total net revenue of the ChatGPT mobile application in the AppStore and Google Play stores last week (Monday to Friday) reached 4.2 million US dollars, which is the largest revenue growth of the application so far. This soaring revenue indicates that consumers have a strong interest in trying the latest artificial intelligence technology, and even if the price is more expensive than the Netflix subscription, mobile users are still willing to pay.

Data shows that the Apple AppStore contributed the majority of the new revenue, accounting for as high as 81%. The US is the highest-revenue market, contributing 1.8 million US dollars. Followed by Germany (282,000 US dollars), the UK (212,000 US dollars), Japan (210,000 US dollars), France (147,000 US dollars), Canada (134,000 US dollars), South Korea (123,000 US dollars), Brazil (117,000 US dollars), Australia (102,000 US dollars), and Turkey (89,000 US dollars).

It is worth noting that the momentum of revenue growth does not seem to be slowing down, and the data shows that it may continue or even increase further.
