Dongfangzhenxuan Anchor Expresses Disappointment; Sparks Discussion

TapTechNews June 28th news, on June 27th, Dongfangzhenxuan announced a one-day suspension of broadcasting today. However, a speech made by its star anchor, Dun Dun, in the live studio recently has sparked widespread discussion on social media platforms and has even made it to the Weibo hot search list.

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According to the Blue Whale News report, in the Dongfangzhenxuan Beautiful Life live studio, the anchor Dun Dun expressed some of his recent emotional views. He clearly pointed out that he has been somewhat disappointed with the company's management recently, such as the company opening new accounts completely without consulting or communicating with the anchors, and the company's public relations department doing nothing when there is an Internet public opinion crisis.

In the live broadcast, Dun Dun also explained that the reason he said this was that there was a relatively large accumulation of negative emotions, and after saying it, it was over.

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TapTechNews noticed that Dongfangzhenxuan has been at the center of public opinion in recent times. Since Dong Yuwei established Walking with Hui, the attention of the Dongfangzhenxuan Douyin account has been diverted, and there have even been chanting-style live-streaming sales in the live studio.

In addition, New Oriental founder and Dongfangzhenxuan CEO Yu Minhong also appeared in the live studio of Zhang Wenzhong, the founder of Wumei, at the beginning of this month. When Zhang Wenzhong mentioned learning live-streaming sales experience from Yu Minhong, Yu Minhong said, Dongfangzhenxuan is now also doing it in a mess, and has no ability to give you any suggestions.