China Energy Construction's 1-Gigawatt Photovoltaic Project in Uzbekistan Fully Connected to the Grid

TapTechNews July 2nd, according to the information of China Energy Engineering Corporation Limited (TapTechNews note: hereinafter referred to as China Energy Construction), on June 28 local time, the largest photovoltaic project invested and constructed by Chinese-funded enterprises in Central Asia - the 1-gigawatt photovoltaic project in Uzbekistan achieved full-capacity grid connection.

The 1-gigawatt photovoltaic project in Uzbekistan is invested by the Overseas Investment Company of China Energy Construction. It includes 500 megawatts in the Buhara region and 500 megawatts in the Qashqadaryo region projects. Among them, the Qashqadaryo region project is general contracted and constructed by the joint venture of Tianjin Electric Power Construction Company and Northeast Electric Power Design Institute of China Energy Construction, and the Buhara region project is general contracted and constructed by the Construction Group of China Energy Construction, with the participation of Xinjiang Institute in the design.

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According to the introduction, this project is the first large-scale new energy project invested and constructed by Chinese-funded enterprises in Central Asia after the China-Central Asia Summit in May 2023, and also the largest photovoltaic project invested and constructed by Chinese-funded enterprises under the background of the Belt and Road Initiative in Central Asia.

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During the project construction and operation period, about 1600 new employment positions were added for the local area. After it is put into operation, the annual power generation can reach about 2.4 billion kilowatt-hours, and it is expected to achieve an annual reduction of 2.4 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions and the equivalent saving of 520 million cubic meters of natural gas.
