4 High-Speed Railways in China to Adopt Market-Based Fares

TapTechNews May 31st news. Today, China's railway announced that the market-based fare mechanism of flexible discounts and fluctuations for high-speed trains of 4 high-speed railways including the Wuhan-Guangzhou section of the Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway, the Shanghai-Hangzhou section and the Hangzhou-Changsha section of the Shanghai-Kunming High-Speed Railway, and the Hangzhou-Ningbo section of the Hangzhou-Shenzhen Railway, where the speed of the trains is more than 300 kilometers per hour, will be implemented on June 15th, and the relevant train tickets will be on sale starting from June 1st.

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According to relevant national regulations, the railway transportation enterprise implements market-based pricing for the high-speed train EMU trains on the above 4 high-speed railways, and adjusts the current fixed and single fare mechanism to a market-based fare mechanism of flexible discounts and fluctuations.

TapTechNews noted that many high-speed railways such as the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway, the Xiamen-Shenzhen High-Speed Railway, the Chengdu-Chongqing High-Speed Railway, the Nanning-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway and the Beijing-Wuhan section of the Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway have already implemented a market-based fare mechanism.

After the adjustment, the ticket fares of the above-mentioned trains will take the published fares notified by Railway 12306 and relevant stations as the upper limit. Considering factors such as regions, off-seasons and peak seasons, and time periods, different amplitudes of discounts will be implemented. Tickets for some trains with more stops and convenient for passengers along the line will be discounted by a large margin. The lowest discount is 5.5 fold, which is 34% (about 1/3) lower than the original fare; Tickets for some trains that are fast and in long-term short supply will not be discounted, which is 20% higher than the original fare.

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