Silicon Carbide (SiC) Market Trends and Developments

TapTechNews May 31st news, TrendForce today released a blog post, stating that the silicon carbide (SiC) market price war is about to break out. The agency surveyed many manufacturers on the supply chain, and they generally believe that the price of silicon carbide wafers is on a downward trend.

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GlobalWafers' chairman and CEO, Hsu Hsiu-lan, said that the downward price of silicon carbide (SiC) is mainly due to two factors. One is the release of global 6-inch SiC wafer production capacity, and the other is the temporary slowdown in the demand for electric vehicles.

Shandong Tianyue Advanced (SICC) emphasized two internal reasons for the price decline in the investor relations report: technological progress and economies of scale have reduced the wafer cost.

In terms of technology, in addition to international enterprises, more than a dozen domestic enterprises including SemiSiC, JSG, SICC, GZSC, SynlightCrystal, Tankeblue, KYSemiconductor, Hunan San'an Semiconductor, Hypersics, TaisicMaterials, Heligenius, CengolSemi, and GlobalWafers have entered the stage of sample delivery and small-batch production of 8-inch SiC wafers.

In terms of economies of scale, although the early investment projects of SiC wafer manufacturers have currently entered the stage of return on investment, a considerable number of wafer companies that shift the production focus to 8-inch wafers.

The price decline of silicon carbide wafers is an inevitable trend, and most enterprises hold a positive attitude towards this. Nanjing JingSheng Equipment (CGEE) said that the expansion of market space and the improvement of yield level will inevitably cause price adjustments in the competition, which will bring pressure to related enterprises in the short term.

For the entire supply chain, the benefits brought by the increase in output and the decrease in price are greater than the disadvantages. This means that the reduction in cost will activate more downstream applications, so that the entire industry maintains a good growth momentum.

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