WeChat Security Center Criminals Use Million-Dollar Guarantee to Commit Fraud, Penalties Imposed

TapTechNews September 12th news, the WeChat Security Center announced today that recently there have been criminals targeting some users, taking advantage of their unfamiliarity with the WeChat million-dollar guarantee service, setting traps with such excuses as 'Million-dollar guarantee expires and needs to pay for renewal' or 'turn off automatic deduction' and other pretexts to commit fraud.

The WeChat Security Center declared that it will continue to strengthen the crackdown on such fraud. For the above illegal behaviors, after verification and confirmation, we will, in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and the 'Tencent WeChat Software License and Service Agreement' and the 'WeChat Personal Account Usage Specifications', impose stepwise penalties on relevant accounts according to the severity of the violations.

TapTechNews learned from the official WeChat that the WeChat payment million-dollar guarantee is permanently free, and as long as WeChat payment is used, it can be enjoyed. There is no such thing as 'expiration', 'outdated', etc., and it will not require 'payment for renewal', nor will it affect the credit record. Any mention of 'expiry renewal, need to pay for opening, customer service to assist in cancellation', etc. are all fraud, please do not believe easily.
