DiDi Chuxing Responds to Passenger-Stained Seat Incident, Apologizes to Driver and Offers Compensation

TapTechNews July 5th news, in the early morning of July 5th, DiDi Chuxing issued a response regarding the incident of a passenger staining the online car-hailing seat and the driver being downgraded, and apologized to the special car driver Master Xing in Harbin.

According to the official announcement, the cause of the incident was that at 8:03 PM on June 21st, Master Xing received three passengers, one passenger in the front passenger seat and two passengers in the back seat. The passenger on the right side of the back seat kicked the driver's seat when getting in and immediately apologized to the driver. In the subsequent ride, the passenger on the left side of the back seat had behaviors such as eating stinky tofu and vomiting on the floor mat, etc. At 8:12 PM, they reached the destination. After the passengers got off, Master Xing inspected the vehicle and found it was stained, but failed to contact the passengers, so he did not end the billing normally.

The safety specialist communicated with Master Xing many times and proposed to advance 500 Yuan (about $70) for the car wash fee, but Master Xing did not agree. Due to Master Xing's delay in ending the order, the original estimated duration of the order was 8 minutes, the estimated mileage was 2.7 kilometers, and the estimated amount was 21.25 Yuan; the actual duration of the order was 6 hours and 40 minutes, the actual mileage was 108.7 kilometers, and the amount was 628.8 Yuan (about $90).

The passengers did not recognize the fare and filed a complaint against the driver online. The platform deducted 6 service points from Master Xing according to the driver intentionally ended the billing without reason and delay, which also caused Master Xing's driver status to be downgraded from a special car to a fast car.

DiDi officials stated that in this case, the platform's judgment did not fully understand Master Xing's actual situation, did not respond urgently to the driver's needs, and made an unfair judgment against the driver under incomplete information, which made Master Xing wronged. Very sorry. Tomorrow (July 5th), DiDi's colleagues in Harbin will apologize to Master Xing in person on behalf of the company. DiDi Special Car will advance the car wash fee for Master Xing, restore his service points and special car driver certification. In addition, DiDi will issue a smooth subsidy to thank Master Xing for still being as rational and restrained as possible when facing uncivilized riding behaviors and adhering to the service heart to safely deliver passengers to the destination.

TapTechNews attached the original text as follows:

DiDi Chuxing Responds to Passenger-Stained Seat Incident, Apologizes to Driver and Offers Compensation_0

DiDi Chuxing Responds to Passenger-Stained Seat Incident, Apologizes to Driver and Offers Compensation_1

DiDi Chuxing Responds to Passenger-Stained Seat Incident, Apologizes to Driver and Offers Compensation_2
