Apple CEO Tim Cook Commemorates 13th Anniversary of Steve Jobs' Death

TapTechNews October 5th news, Apple's current CEO Tim Cook posted on Weibo this noon, commemorating the 13th anniversary of the death of Steve Jobs.

Apple CEO Tim Cook Commemorates 13th Anniversary of Steve Jobs Death_0

Steve showed us that the future is not something you wait for, but something you create. His memory lives on in the hearts of innovators and dreamers everywhere - at Apple and beyond.

Steveshowedusthatthefutureisn’t somethingyouwaitfor—it’ssomethingyoubuild.Hismemorylivesonintheheartsofinnovatorsanddreamerseverywhere—atAppleandbeyond.

TapTechNews note: Jobs passed away on October 5th, 2011 after struggling with pancreatic cancer for many years. After Jobs' death, Apple held a Remembering Steve event at its Infinite Loop campus, and Tim Cook, Jony Ive and others gave speeches.

On February 24th this year, which was the 69th anniversary of Jobs' birth, Cook also posted on Weibo to commemorate: On the day of my friend Steve's birthday, I miss him, and I miss the lives he touched, the vision he shared, and the profound impact he had on our world. 'We came to this universe to make a little bit of a difference, or else why else would we be here?'
