Android System's Charging Speed Definition Update

TapTechNews on June 19th. In the rapidly evolving smartphone market, charging speed has become one of the key selling points for mobile phone manufacturers. In order to stand out in the fierce competition, manufacturers constantly break through the bottleneck of fast charging technology, and the charging power of some phones has reached an astonishing 240W. However, the current native Android system (AOSP) marking method for charging speed puzzles users.

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According to TapTechNews, currently, the native Android system's method of judging charging speed is very simple. Through the health HAL, the system can obtain information such as current and voltage from the battery and charging circuit. When the calculated charging power (current times voltage) is less than 5 watts, the charger will be marked as a slow charger, and the lock screen interface will also display the prompt Charging slowly. Chargers above 7.5 watts belong to the fast charger category, and the lock screen interface will display the words Charging fast. Chargers between 5 watts and 7.5 watts are classified as normal chargers, and the lock screen interface will only show Charging.

That is to say, any charger with a power of 7.5 watts or more in the native Android system is marked as fast charging.This broad definition covers a wide range of charging speeds, making it difficult for users to distinguish the difference between normal chargers and true high-power chargers, often leading to unrealistic expectations of charging speed from users.

The above is the default charging speed judgment standard of the native Android system. Although mobile phone manufacturers can adjust it, Google's own Pixel series of phones have been adhering to this standard.

Fortunately, Google plans to solve this problem in the upcoming Android 15 update. In the latest Android 15 beta update, Google has added a new configuration named config_chargingFastThreshold_v2 with a value of 20,000,000, that is, raising the power threshold of fast charging from 7.5 watts to 20 watts.

Overall, this is just a minor change, because other mobile phone manufacturers can adjust the judgment standard by themselves anyway. It is not clear how many manufacturers have made such adjustments, but Google's own Pixel series of phones clearly haven't. Once Android 15 updates the charging speed judgment standard, Pixel users will be able to have a clearer understanding of which chargers can bring them a faster charging experience when they are out.
