Web Celebrity in Guizhou Arrested for Defrauding Fans with Feudal Superstition

TapTechNews July 12th news, according to the disclosure of the Cyberspace Administration of the Ministry of Public Security, recently, the cyber security department of the public security organ in Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province successfully detected a case where a web celebrity boasted of achieving enlightenment and becoming a Buddha through cultivation, and under the banners of curing diseases, dispelling disasters, and exorcising plagues and poisons, fabricated and spread feudal superstition remarks to defraud fans.

TapTechNews attaches the details of the case:

Since 2023, a man (Yang XX) with strange dress and exaggerated performance, after rapidly becoming popular on the Internet due to the popularity of activities such as Village Super League, Village BA, and Drum-Treasuring Festival, packaged himself as the so-called Miao Saint image of the Miao nationality by taking advantage of the curiosity of the vast number of netizens about the mythological legends of ethnic minorities, and in the name of promoting Miao culture and Chi You culture, he fabricated and released a large number of audio and video contents such as Miao witchcraft, wisdom of ancient great gods, scientific cultivation and health preservation culture, and life science on the online platform, obtaining a large number of fans' attention and discussion.

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Yang XX regarded himself as the first person in this era to achieve enlightenment and practice the path and prove the path and unite the path and become a Buddha, claiming to master the magical ability to connect with the high-dimensional wisdom and high-energy password of the universe, fabricated and spread the magical effects of the cultivation technique, and advocated that the heaven and earth wonderful method practiced could help netizens suffering from diseases and difficulties recover without medicine and regain a new life, inducing fans to donate money and pay fees to cultivate the wonderful method together.

The Guangxi's Mr. Yang saw the videos and live broadcast contents released by Yang XX online, believing that he has supernatural powers and special functions, and transferred nearly 40,000 yuan to Yang XX to exorcise diseases and disasters for his daughter with mental illness; Ms. Zhang from Yunnan saw the video contents released by Yang XX online and believed it to be true, transferring more than 20,000 yuan to learn the health preservation secret method; Ms. Sheng from Jiangsu saw the video released by Yang XX online and thought he could heal the psychological trauma, transferring more than 5,000 yuan to co-cultivate online with Yang XX.

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Through the investigation of the public security organs, it was found that Yang XX used the influence and dissemination power of the ethnic minority web celebrity identity, opened self-media accounts on online platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo, WeChat, and Lizhi, and preached feudal superstition and fallacies to control the spirit of fans and implement fraud by recording audio, making short videos, and live streaming. Once the victim woke up and found out that they were deceived, Yang XX would blacklist and delete the victim and run away.

Because Yang XX's behavior is suspected of implementi ng fraud by using feudal superstition and using superstition to undermine the implementation of laws, the public security organ has legally detained him. Currently, the case is under further investigation.
