WeChat to Crack Down on Fabricated Content Damaging Personal Reputation

TapTechNews May 27th. The WeChat Public Platform Operation Center announced today that it will deal with the behavior of damaging personal reputation through fabricating content.

WeChat said that recently the platform has found that some operators use exaggerated or fictional ways to fabricate the personal information of the parties involved, or to expose the personal privacy of the parties in the articles to attract users' attention, gain traffic and seek benefits. Such articles mix unsubstantiated and information without authoritative sources with real information, which not only seriously damages the reputation of the parties involved, but also seriously misleads the public's perception and has a negative impact on the content ecology and communication order of the platform.

For this reason, the platform will increase the governance efforts and further regulate the relevant behaviors. For the behaviors of fictionalizing and exaggerating the information of the parties and exposing personal privacy, the platform will impose penalty measures such as stopping search exposure, deleting the articles until the account is blocked.

TapTechNews attaches some violation cases:

Fictitiously fabricates the personal experience of the party, embellishes it, and posts untrue photos.

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Uses information without an authoritative source to fabricate false news about the party.

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Exposes the privacy of the party.

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