Judge Orders Review of Apple's App Store Files in Dispute with Epic

TapTechNews reported on June 5th that US District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rodgers issued a new directive this week, demanding to review all of Apple's App Store amendment files to further investigate the situation of charging a 27% commission (12% for small developers) outside the App Store.

 Judge Orders Review of Apples App Store Files in Dispute with Epic_0

This matter involves a dispute between Apple and Epic Games. TapTechNews briefly sorts out the incident as follows:

Epic Games launched its own in-app payment system in the iOS version of the game Fortnite

This system bypasses the App Store, preventing Apple from obtaining a 30% commission

This system violates the App Store terms, and Apple thus removed the game

The two companies went to court

The court told Epic that Apple did not engage in monopoly

The court told Apple that it must allow in-app sales outside the App Store

Both companies were not satisfied with the results and filed appeals respectively

The US Supreme Court refused to hear these two appeals

Apple, in accordance with the court's requirements, allowed third-party applications to be sold but will still charge a 27% commission (12% for small developers).

Epic once again went to court, arguing that this was malicious behavior by Apple because it was contrary to the entire intention of the judge's ruling.

Judge Rodgers strongly hinted last month that she was likely to rule in favor of Epic. She doesn't think Apple has seriously fulfilled the relevant rulings, so she demanded to review all of Apple's internal files, which involve Apple's decision to charge a 27% commission on all in-app purchases outside the App Store.
