German Association Opposes Tariff Increase on Chinese NEVs

Cgtn News on June 13th: Today CGTN released an interview with Simon Schütz, the chief spokesperson of the German Association of the Automotive Industry.

Schütz said that it is currently impossible to predict the impact of the additional tariffs on the European auto market, but one thing is certain - (the association) unanimously opposes the tariff increase on Chinese new energy vehicles, because this cannot solve the situation of weak competitiveness of the European and German automotive industries.

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Rather than imposing tariffs, we need to further strengthen the economic development of Germany and the entire Europe. We firmly believe that trade conflicts are not beneficial to either side and will only bring losses to both sides.

Schütz believes that the two sides should have necessary and constructive communication and jointly find solutions - but it should not be the imposition of tariffs. At the same time, without the help of China, Europe will be even less able to independently deal with global crises and climate problems. Therefore, we need to take constructive measures, and from the perspective of building a fairer and more open market environment, we also need to find solutions. We should adopt a dialogue approach and find a common way to solve the problem, and believe that international cooperation is needed to deal with global challenges.

Trade protectionism is definitely not the right measure, which has been repeatedly verified in many past cases. It cannot bring benefits to any country and cannot avoid trade conflicts, Schütz said, and in trade conflicts there are no winners, only both sides lose.

According to the earlier report by IT Home today, the government departments of Germany, Hungary, Norway and other countries have all expressed opposition to this move by the EU and mentioned the hope for a fair competitive international trade environment and support for trade liberalization.

Related Reading:

German, Hungarian and other European countries oppose the EU's proposed tariff increase on Chinese electric vehicles: Should support trade liberalization
