
Google to Sort Settings Options in Android 15, Reduce First-level Menus

Google is about to make changes to the settings options in Android 15, reducing the number of first-level menus. Report details here.

Microsoft Releases Windows 11 Update with New Generative AI Feature

Microsoft released a Windows 11 preview update on June 13th with a new Generative AI sub-page in the Settings app. Learn about the details here.

Apple iOS18 Reducing Settings and Enhancing User Experience

Apple's iOS18 simplifies settings and reorganizes them. The menu is streamlined, and search is improved. Discover more about iOS18.

Apple to Streamline Settings in iOS 18 and macOS 15 with New Interface and Better Search

Apple plans to streamline Settings in iOS 18 and macOS 15, featuring a new UI, better search, and various layout adjustments. Learn more.