Chinese Scientists Achieve Bulk High-Temperature Superconductivity in La2PrNi2O7

TapTechNews October 2nd news, according to Xinhua News Agency's report today, the scientific research team led by Chinese scientists used China's comprehensive extreme condition experimental facility to realize bulk high-temperature superconductivity in a double nickel oxide layer perovskite material La2PrNi2O7 and revealed the structural origin of nickel-based high-temperature superconductors.

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Chinese Scientists Achieve Bulk High-Temperature Superconductivity in La2PrNi2O7_0

The research was completed by the team of researcher Cheng Jinguang from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the team of researcher Zhou Rui in conjunction with multiple domestic and foreign research teams. The relevant results were published in the international academic journal Nature on October 2nd.

Chinese Scientists Achieve Bulk High-Temperature Superconductivity in La2PrNi2O7_1

TapTechNews note: Superconductivity refers to the phenomenon that the resistance of certain materials suddenly disappears when the temperature is reduced below a certain critical value. Such materials are called superconductors and have huge application potential in many high-tech fields. However, in order for superconductors to achieve the superconducting state, an extremely low-temperature environment is necessary. Finding superconductors with a higher critical temperature and more suitable for application is the goal that scientists strive for.

In 2023, Chinese researchers discovered that La3Ni2O7 single crystal has a high-temperature superconductivity phenomenon with a critical temperature of about 80K (about -193 degrees Celsius) under high pressure, setting off a research upsurge in nickel-based high-temperature superconductivity.

Chinese Scientists Achieve Bulk High-Temperature Superconductivity in La2PrNi2O7_2
