Toshiba Releases MG10-D Enterprise-Level Mechanical Hard Drive

TapTechNews June 26th news, Toshiba released the MG10-D enterprise-level mechanical hard drive yesterday, and this series of products adopts Conventional Magnetic Recording (CMR), which is an air mechanical hard drive (TapTechNews note: that is, non-helium-filled hard drive).

The MG10-D series of mechanical hard drives adopts a 3.5-inch + 5-platter design, with a rotational speed of 7200 RPM, and provides two interfaces of SATA-3.3 and SAS-3.0, covering 2TB, 4TB, 6TB, 8TB, 10TB capacities, and the SATA version also provides 1TB capacity.

This series of mechanical hard drives supports 24×7 all-weather enterprise-level applications, has high reliability, the annual rated workload is 550 TB, and the AFR (annualized failure rate) is 0.44%, and the MTTF/MTBF is 2 million hours.

 Toshiba Releases MG10-D Enterprise-Level Mechanical Hard Drive_0

Toshiba claims that the MG10-D series products have significantly improved both in performance and power efficiency compared to previous generations of products:

For the 10TB SATA-3.3 interface model MG10ADA10TE, the maximum sequential transfer rate has increased by about 13% to 268 MiB/s, and the cache space has doubled to 512 MiB;

In addition, the power consumption of this hard drive in the active idle mode has been reduced to 5.74 watts, a reduction of about 21%.

The representative of Toshiba, Kurakazu Akira, said:

Toshiba's enterprise-level MG10-D series products provide excellent performance to meet the growing needs of mission-critical applications.

The MG10-D series products adopt an innovative design, which is specifically built for a sustainable enterprise environment and can be seamlessly integrated into the existing infrastructure, thereby reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO).
