Microsoft and Mihoyo Games Future on Xbox and More

TapTechNews June 23rd news, WindowsCentral journalist Jez Corden revealed when replying to a netizen's comment that Microsoft is attempting to bring Mihoyo's games such as Genshin Impact to the Xbox platform.

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In addition, Li Zhenyu, the producer and chief art director of ZZZZ Zone Zero, said in an interview with IGN that the team is attempting to bring the new work ZZZZ Zone Zero to the Microsoft Xbox and Nintendo Switch platforms, but this decision has not really been finalized (set in stone).

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TapTechNews note:

Genshin Impact first launched on the Android, iOS, Windows and PS4 platforms in 2020, and the PS5 version was launched in 2021.

ZZZZ Zone Zero will start the full-platform public beta on July 4 this year, and land on the Android, iOS, Windows and Sony PS5 platforms.
