Apple iOS18 Reducing Settings and Enhancing User Experience

TapTechNews June 11th news, with the successive iterations of Apple's iOS versions over the years, the setting options have become increasingly rich and have also started to become more cumbersome. In today's iOS18 Beta test version released by Apple, it begins to subtract, reorganize and simplify the setting experience.

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New Battery Section in Primary Menu

In iOS18, the top of the main Settings screen is still your account, followed by common functions such as Airplane Mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Personal Hotspot, but now Battery has been newly added to the top of iOS18.

The second part of the settings in iOS18 includes General, Accessibility, Action Buttons, Camera, Control Center, Display & Brightness, Siri, Wallpaper, etc.

Apple reorganizes and cleans up the iOS18 Settings application, merging the related settings of third-party applications into the newly added Apps, and TapTechNews attaches the main contents as follows:

Settings Primary Menu Only a Little Over 2 Pages

The primary menu of the iOS18 settings application is further streamlined, only a little over 2 pages, and the order is further adjusted.

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General and Search

A brand new General settings page and search page are enabled, and many options that were previously used less frequently have been moved to the General page.

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The search function provides suggestions at the top, and in the currently limited testing of the tech media 9to5Mac, I feel that the accuracy and relevancy of the search results have both improved.

Titles in iOS18 Settings

Another change is the large titles in various setting menus (such as General, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Cellular Network, Personal Hotspot, Accessibility, Face ID and Passcode, Siri, Screen Time, etc.).

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Although there is no major change in the user interface, I find that iOS18 settings are simpler and easier to browse, and hopefully more user-friendly to all users.

Apple WWDC24 Developer Conference Keynote Feature
