China's First 5G Network at Sea on Shandong-Liaoning Shipping Line

TapTechNews June 27 news, according to CCTV News reports, the 5G network in the sea area of the Shandong-Liaoning shipping line was officially put into operation on the 26th. From now on, passengers taking this shipping line can use their mobile phones smoothly on board. This is also the first time that China has achieved large-scale continuous coverage of 5G network at sea.

In the past, there were characteristics such as discontinuous traditional communication network and unstable signal in the sea area of the Shandong-Liaoning shipping line. The local maritime department cooperated with mobile communication operators, innovated the deployment and networking mode of 5G base stations, developed efficient network access equipment for ships, expanded the communication coverage area, and improved the stability of network signals.

Chinas First 5G Network at Sea on Shandong-Liaoning Shipping Line_0

TapTechNews note: The sea route of the Shandong-Liaoning shipping line has a voyage of more than 150 kilometers and is a golden water route connecting passenger and freight transportation between the Shandong Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula, represented by routes such as Yantai-Dalian, Yantai-Lushun, and Longkou-Lushun.

At present, the 5G network in the sea area of the Shandong-Liaoning shipping line covers a sea area of more than 20,000 square kilometers. It not only improves the passenger's ship experience, but also allows shipping companies to grasp the ship status in time through videos and other methods to ensure navigation safety.

In terms of specific use areas, using mobile phones is required in scenarios such as upgrading, ticket replenishment, and payment in the canteen and restaurant on passenger ships. In the past, due to factors such as signals, it was often impossible to make payments on board and it was necessary to wait until the passengers arrived at the port to complete a series of operations. And this time, the operation of the 5G network in the sea area of this shipping line means that there is a network signal even in the middle of the voyage. At the same time, passengers can not only make phone calls on board, but also watch videos and make video calls with their families, and enjoy a smooth experience.
