Pine64's New Oz64 Single-Board Computer with Dual-Architecture Chip

TapTechNews June 27 news, Pine64 company has newly launched the Oz64 single-board computer (SBC), and its biggest highlight is the adoption of the SopghoSG2000 dual-architecture chip, which can switch to support both Arm and RISC-V.

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TapTechNews attached the relevant information of the SopghoSG2000 dual-architecture chip as follows:

Main CPU core:

1 T-Head C906 64-bit RISC-V CPU kernel (1 GHz)

1 ARM Cortex-A53 CPU kernel (1 GHz)

Auxiliary CPU core

1 MHz T-Head C906 64-bit RISC-V kernel @ 700 MHz

Low-power MCU core

8051 8-bit MCU (25 to 300 MHz) with 8K SRAM

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According to the working mode of the SophgoSG2000 chip, users can choose to use the 1 GHz RISC-V kernel or the 1 GHz ARM kernel, but cannot use both kernels at the same time.

But this still provides versatility for users, and users can choose the architecture to be used at startup or switch between the two.

The Oz64 single-board computer is also equipped with 512 MB DDR3 memory, supports eMMC module or microSD memory card, supports Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2, and includes a set of ports and I/O interfaces.

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The size of the Oz64 circuit board is 85x56 millimeters (3.4 inches x 2.2 inches), which is about the same size as the Raspberry Pi Model B.

The Oz64 single-board computer has not yet come on the market. The Pine64 Wiki page shows that the product is positioned as 'low-cost', but the official has not announced the price and the launch date.
