Henan Province Releases Plan to Promote High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economy

TapTechNews August 12th news, TapTechNews learned from the General Office of the People's Government of Henan Province that the Implementation Plan for Promoting the High-quality Development of the Low-altitude Economy in the Whole Province (2024-2027) was released today.

Henan Province Releases Plan to Promote High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economy_0

The Plan proposes that by 2025, the layout of low-altitude infrastructure will be completed, a low-altitude airspace management mechanism will be initially established, about 10 general airports and a number of helicopter and drone takeoff and landing sites and landing points will be built. The scale of the low-altitude economy reaches 30 billion yuan ($4.35 billion), the number of enterprises above designated size reaches about 50, and the provincial-level or above scientific and technological innovation and public service platforms strive to exceed 20. The flight hours of general aircraft in the whole province strive to reach 80,000 hours, and the flight hours of drones strive to reach 1 million hours; the industrial ecosystem is gradually improved, and 20 low-altitude benchmark application scenarios are created.

By 2027, about 20 general airports and transport airports with general aviation service functions will be built, the scale of the low-altitude economy reaches 50 billion yuan ($7.25 billion), the number of enterprises above designated size reaches about 60, and the provincial-level or above scientific and technological innovation and public service platforms exceed 25. The flight hours of general aircraft strive to reach 100,000 hours, and the flight hours of drones strive to reach 200,000 hours.

The Plan proposes to cultivate and strengthen the low-altitude consumer market. Including the following measures:

Low-altitude + cultural tourism consumption. Relying on the ecological resources of Taihang Mountains, the ecological resources of Danjiang Reservoir area, the historical and cultural resources of Heluo, the natural and cultural resources of Songshan, and the cultural resources such as Huaihe River culture, the hometown Henan, Yellow River culture, and Dabie Mountains culture and other cultural cards, create a one heart, one belt, and four districts low-altitude tourism layout, and develop low-altitude + tourism formats such as low-altitude tourism along the Yellow River and water sports according to local conditions. Support the construction of low-altitude cultural parks, low-altitude flight camps and the development of aviation-themed research and study. Develop flight experience points such as electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL), hot air balloons, and power parachutes in resorts, scenic spots, and aviation flight camps, and open low-altitude flight experience routes in sections. Support the development of all-region and all-season low-altitude tourism in qualified places.

Low-altitude + sports consumption. Speed up the construction of aviation flight camps, aviation sports clubs and flight training bases, actively hold various aviation sports events and activities, accelerate the development of aviation sports such as parachuting, model aircraft, drones, paragliders, power parachutes, hot air balloons, and simulated flight sports, and guide and cultivate mass aviation sports consumption. Support Zhengzhou and Anyang to build well-known aviation sports consumption centers and talent training bases.

Low-altitude + education and training. Deepen the integration of industry and education to achieve accurate talent cultivation and strengthen the pilot training busin ess. Support the construction of aviation education and training bases with various characteristics in qualified places, carry out training businesses such as aviation simulation, private pilot licenses, drone control, and aviation laws and regulations. Hold event activities such as model aircraft competitions, flight simulation competitions, drone control and racing. Develop real-scene and immersive popular science research and study characteristic products to expand the scale of the province's low-altitude + popular science research and study.

Low-altitude + exhibitions. Support the holding of aviation carnivals, aviation expos, aviation industry development forums, low-altitude commercial application scenario display exhibitions and other activities with outstanding characteristics, continue to do a good job in aviation festivals and events such as the Zhengzhou Aviation Expo and the Anyang Aviation Sports Culture and Tourism Festival, and enhance the influence of aviation culture and tourism brands.
