China's First Hundred-Megawatt-Hour-Level Sodium-Ion Energy Storage Project Put into Operation in Hubei

TapTechNews July 1st news, according to CCTV news, the first phase of the 200 megawatt-hour sodium-ion new energy storage power station in Hubei of Datang was officially put into operation yesterday. This power station is China's first hundred-megawatt-hour-level sodium-ion energy storage project and also the first large-scale commercial application of sodium-ion new energy storage technology in the world.

 Chinas First Hundred-Megawatt-Hour-Level Sodium-Ion Energy Storage Project Put into Operation in Hubei_0

According to the introduction, the energy storage system is composed of 42 sets of energy storage battery compartments and 21 sets of booster converter integrated machines, and uses a large-capacity sodium-ion battery cell with 185 ampere-hours, and a 110-kilovolt step-up substation is built in配套. The just-commissioned first phase project reaches 100 megawatt-hours.

The project team has overcome many difficulties and achieved 100% localization of key core technical equipment, forming an independent property right, standard system and a series of promotable key technologies of sodium-ion energy storage in this field, providing a model for promoting the large-scale and commercial application of large-capacity sodium-ion energy storage systems.

After the power station is put into operation, it can be charged and discharged more than 300 times a year, and a single charge can store 100,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. When releasing electrical energy at the peak period of the power grid, it can meet the daily electricity demand of about 12,000 households, and the annual carbon dioxide emission reduction is 13,000 tons.

Cui Yongle, the sodium-ion energy storage project manager of Datang Hubei, said in an interview that sodium-ion batteries have better low-temperature operating efficiency, can still maintain 85% charge and discharge efficiency at -20°C, and can still ensure 1,500 charge and discharge cycles at 60°C high temperature, and the puncture resistance and impact resistance are much better than ordinary batteries.

In addition, as previously reported by TapTechNews, the sodium-ion battery energy storage power station in Fulin, Guangxi was officially put into operation in Nanning in May this year, which is the first sodium-ion battery energy storage power station with 10 MWh in the field of new energy storage in China, and it is also the first time that the sodium-ion battery energy storage technology in China has achieved large-scale application.

Related reading:

The first large-capacity sodium-ion battery energy storage power station in China was officially put into operation in Nanning, Guangxi.
