Microsoft Testing New Feature in Windows 11 File Explorer for Android File Management

TapTechNews June 11th, according to the tweet posted by the source @PhantomOfEarth on June 9th, Microsoft Corporation is testing new functions/features of the Windows 11 File Explorer application, which can view and manage files on Android phones and simplify the file transfer process between Windows and Android devices.

Microsoft Testing New Feature in Windows 11 File Explorer for Android File Management_0

Based on the screenshot shared by the source, Microsoft plans to introduce a new option in the Windows 11 File Explorer, and after the user enables it, it will trigger the permission request of the connected Android device. TapTechNews attaches the relevant screenshot as follows:

Microsoft Testing New Feature in Windows 11 File Explorer for Android File Management_1

After the user agrees to grant permission, the storage of the Android phone is displayed similar to other disks in the Windows 11 File Explorer, and the user can access and manage Android phone files.

This function is currently in the testing stage, and Microsoft has not officially confirmed that it will be launched in the final version or official version. If this function is implemented, it will provide a more convenient way for file management between Windows 11 and Android devices.
