Deepin V23RC Officially Released with Enhanced Features in Installer, Launcher, Taskbar, and More

TapTechNews received clues from TapTechNews users, rookie N and pharmacist, thank you! TapTechNews reported on May 15th that the deepin V23RC version of the deepin operating system was officially released today, bringing many new features in the installer, launcher, taskbar, and other aspects. TapTechNews summarized as follows: 【Installer】 Optimized the installer UI details; Updated the installer carousel; Added a trial mode, no need to install to experience; System pre-installed applications have been rolled back to the deb version; Support for 14th generation U terminal devices; Providing dual kernels of 5.15 and 6.6. 【Launcher】 Optimized launcher window mode modified to a three-segment layout with added quick access features; Optimized alphabetical sorting display rules for existing applications in launcher window; Optimized keyboard operation behavior in launcher; Optimized search function for Pinyin, English, and Chinese characters in launcher; Added free sorting mode in launcher window, unified the application arrangement order in free sorting mode with the full-screen sorting relationship; Added drag-and-drop application creation in free sorting mode in launcher window; Added support for modifying file group names in free sorting mode in launcher window; Added support for dragging applications for custom sorting in free sorting mode in launcher window; Added alphabet index function in alphabetical sorting mode in launcher window; Added classification index function in classification sorting mode in launcher window, clicking on the category to enter the index menu; Added common software module to display frequently used applications based on user frequency; Added recent installation function, recently installed but unused applications will be displayed in the recent installation area. 【Taskbar】 This time, the taskbar has been QML rebuilt; Added clipboard plugin shortcut entry on the left side of the taskbar; Added global search shortcut entry on the left side of the taskbar; Added quick switch function in the left area of the taskbar- workspace view, you can quickly switch workspace through the workspace preview icon, default displaying 2 workspace views, maximum can add 6, when there is a minimum of 1 taskbar will not show icon; Added adaptive capacity for application activation indicator, indicator style dynamically changes with icon size; Optimized original multitasking view entry for trimming, additional and removal of multitasking view can be done via shortcuts; Optimized removal of fashion and efficiency mode; Optimized right-click menu in the taskbar by adding position adjustment for application area; Optimized and updated the icon styles of shortcut panel plugins. 【File Manager】 Added Ctrl+D shortcut key to quickly delete files; Added Ctlr+Shift+N shortcut key to quickly create file directory. 【Calendar】 Supported cloud synchronization function, can synchronize calendar schedules; Added weekly starting day option to follow system management settings; Added option to follow system time management settings. 【App Store】 Optimized application description and new feature display on the application details page, default display 5 lines; Modified application startup animation style; Adapted to deepin-service-manager plugin. 【Browser】 Supported cloud synchronization function, can synchronize browser bookmarks, tabs, and other user data. 【UOSAI】 Optimized application window interaction logic; Supported calling and setting system settings functions through keyword descriptions (input to adjust screen brightness to 100%); Supported text-to-image capability, can generate images through keywords descriptions. 【Cross-device Collaboration】 Abstracted original cross-device collaboration applications into independent applications; Optimized overall interaction experience of deepin end; Supported mouse and keyboard sharing between devices; Supported clipboard sharing between devices; Supported file transfer between cross-device and cross-platform; Update d Windows application version, download link: 【Other】 Updated Fcitx font package to solve the problem of users unable to input traditional Chinese characters (users can add fifth-generation Cangjie input method); Optimized window more settings icon styles; Optimized system shutdown application blocking waiting time, blocked waiting time changed from 90 seconds to 30 seconds. In terms of issue fixes, the following issues were fixed in this update: Fixed the issue of waiting for 90 seconds due to blocking from some application processes during system shutdown; Fixed the ambiguity issue caused by the opacity adjustment label in the control center-personalized desktop-opacity adjustment text; Fixed the issue of unable to login again after logging out through deepinID login in the control center; Fixed the blurriness of the keyboard layout viewer when the scale is not 1.0; Fixed the issue of unable to install grub-customizer package through command in terminal; Fixed the issue of some applications unable to be installed normally through command; Fixed the issue of some users unable to turn on hotspot normally; Fixed the issue of abnormal cursor style when clicking on multitasking view with a zoom setting of 1.75 or higher; Fixed the issue of application interface being enlarged 3-4 times in 4K screen scenario and the maximum window form scale; Fixed the issue of multiple line path display when the terminal window is minimized to the minimal window form, and the current path length exceeds the terminal width when zoom is enabled; Fixed the issue of Alt+table switching that triggers all minimized windows; Fixed the issue where the selection button for full selection of buttons in Fcitx5 migration tool is blurred; Fixed the issue of losing the shortcut key configuration of the first input method when clicking the restart button on the input method icon in the taskbar after modifying input method configuration items; Fixed the issue where the window title right-click menu did not synchronize scaling; Fixed the issue where the title menu font did not follow system font size adjustment; Fixed the issue where clicking on edit in the control center-system time zone displayed a translucent interface; Fixed the issue where the rounding of taskbar height from reducing taskbar height caused by changing from round corner to straight angle; Fixed the issue where the magnifier status was not reset after a restart with magnification function enabled; Fixed the issue of blurry display of menu button icons and delete buttons in dark mode of music application; Fixed the issue where the distance between the full-screen mode launcher and the taskbar was too large when the taskbar was on top; Fixed the issue where the launcher did not fully cover the screen in full-screen mode; Fixed the uninstallation screenshot capture, the 'Scrap...ture' in the quick panel in the taskbar area showed no response; Fixed the detail pages of clicking application tags in the application details page, the continuous traversal of sorting criteria on the tag list page would cause the client to crash; Fixed the issue of client freezing when clicking on app update during application uninstallation. This update also includes a portion of known issues waiting to be fixed, including the inability to drag applications to the taskbar from the launcher, the lack of support for original personalized setting functions in the taskbar right-click menu, and more. Details as follows: Unable to drag applications to the taskbar from the launcher; Original personalized setting functions on the taskbar right-click menu are temporarily unsupported; Options in taskbar application layout, position, and status menu will be unchecked after clicking again; When taskbar settings are always hidden, the animation when mouse is triggered does not display as designed; Occasionally, clicking on the system monitor plugin icon in the taskbar causes the taskbar to crash; In dual-screen extended mode, the taskbar crashes when right-clicking on the system moni tor plugin; In dual-screen extended mode, if the taskbar is set to only display on the main screen, it does not follow the switch to the main screen after switch; Setting to display with the mouse position causes the taskbar to not follow when moving the mouse to another screen; Opening the file manager in the launcher sidebar will display abnormal icons in the taskbar; No animation effect when dragging icons in full-screen mode; Some applications show black square icons in the launcher; After uninstalling screenshots and screen recording, there is 'Screepture' in the taskbar shortcut panel, which does not respond when clicked; In window mode, scrolling in alphabetical and categorized lists does not immediately follow the first letter when scrolling upwards; Opening AV1 decoded mp4 video in cinema app causes flashbacks; Changing themes or icon themes causes application program on the taskbar to card restart; deb package files downloaded from web browsers prompt messages like can only install local deb packages; Unable to open DDF-formatted images converted from drawing board.
