Zeekr Releases 2025 Models and Addresses User Concerns

TapTechNews August 14th news, Zeekr officials released the 2025 Zeekr 001 and 2025 Zeekr 007 cars yesterday, and today the officials answered the questions that users cared about.

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TapTechNews summarizes as follows:

Why release the浩瀚智驾版 Zeekr 001 at this time point? Was there any preparation when the 2024 Zeekr 001 was released in February?

Similar to the 2024 Zeekr 001, which includes the development scope of the whole vehicle, three-electric, and cockpit, the development cycle takes about 14 to 18 months, so it was confirmed and立项研发 (initiated research and development) at the beginning of 2023, and there was no plan to adopt the浩瀚智驾 scheme at that time.

After the 2024 Zeekr 001 was launched and released on February 27 this year, the浩瀚智驾 carried by the Zeekr 007 received extensive user and industry acclaim, and many potential users of Zeekr 001 called for the ability to choose the浩瀚智驾 scheme. At the same time, our own brand NPS research also found that intelligent driving is a factor affecting users' choice of Zeekr 001. Therefore, an internal decision was made to independently research and develop the intelligent driving scheme on board to give users an additional choice and make Zeekr 001 a true all-round god car.

Our intelligent driving R & D team worked very hard, and the joint debugging team made a special breakthrough, so the original plan to realize the first stage function on board of the浩瀚智驾版 was advanced and achieved, and more functions can be realized through OTA within the year.

Can old users pay to replace it with the浩瀚智驾 scheme?

Sorry, the old model really can't be replaced. Because the version of Zeekr 001 adopting the浩瀚智驾 scheme and the Mobileye intelligent driving scheme adopt different layout schemes in terms of the underlying chip, system deployment, and wiring harness layout, and they are two sets of schemes at the system and hardware levels.

Will the intelligent driving system of the 2024 Zeekr 001 stop being updated? Will there be no more models with the Mobileye scheme in the future?

Will not stop being updated! At present, the fingertip parking function has completed the full-volume push, and the opening cities of the high-speed NZP have also covered more than 97% of the areas where Zeekr users are located. The urban NZP function of the Mobileye scheme is continuously and actively promoted, and it is expected to be delivered in batches within this year.

Zeekr and Mobileye are strategic partners. Now the Zeekr 001, 009 models and overseas models all carry the Mobieye intelligent driving scheme, and the two sides will continue to cooperate closely in the future, and the intelligent driving function of the Mobileye scheme will also continue to be updated.

Will the cockpit functions of the Zeekr 001 2024 model and 2025 model be kept synchronized for updates?

Will continue to be kept synchronized for updates. The Zeekr 001 2024 model and 2025 model are one cockpit platform and will be updated synchronously.

The functions of Zeekr AIOS will be pushed in batches through OTA on all Zeekr models.

When will the urban NZP function of the Zeekr 007 be opened?

The urban comm uting NZP of the Zeekr 007 is about to start batch delivery, and it is planned to cover all users by the end of the year; for the urban NZP function, it is expected to start batch delivery by the end of this year.

Will the Zeekr 009 be updated with the浩瀚智驾 scheme in the future?

There is no plan at present, and it will not be updated within this year.
