Han Linhai Wins 2024 ASCE Outstanding Contribution Award

TapTechNews August 14th news, on August 9th, the Chinese Society of Civil Engineering released a blog post stating that Han Linhai won the 2024 ASCE Outstanding Contribution Award (International Region), being the first winner from the Chinese mainland.

Introduction of the American Society of Civil Engineers

TapTechNews note: The American Society of Civil Engineers was established in 1852 and is one of the oldest engineering societies in the United States and also one of the authoritative societies in the international civil engineering field. The Tenth Region is the international region of this society, covering 174 countries and regions.

The ASCE Outstanding Contribution Award (International Region) is used to reward those who have made outstanding contributions in the Tenth Region of the society, and the number of awards granted globally each year does not exceed 3.

Introduction of Han Linhai

Han Linhai, a doctor of engineering and a professor.

Has been focusing on concrete-filled steel tube structure research for more than 30 years, established its whole life cycle safety analysis theory and design technology system, and innovatively developed high-performance concrete-filled steel tube hybrid structure forms, realizing the expansion of the safe application range of the main structure system of large and complex civil engineering.

Han Linhai's achievements

Published 255 SCI-indexed papers, obtained 36 authorized national invention patents (2 of which won the China Patent Excellence Award), and published 5 monographs (including 2 English monographs).

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Has been continuously selected as an Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholar for 10 consecutive years. According to the Stanford University's global top 2% scientists list it released, the annual influence in the field of civil engineering has ranked among the top three in the world for 4 consecutive years.

The research results have been widely used in the construction of the main structures of major civil engineering projects, including the Beijing CITIC Tower (also known as China Zun), Guangzhou New TV Tower, Chengdu Tianfu International Airport Terminal, and Ya'an Ganhaizi Extra-large Bridge and other landmark projects, with significant social and technical economic benefits.

Led the formulation of 6 technical standards such as the national standard Technical Standard for Concrete-filled Steel Tube Hybrid Structures GB/T51446—2021, and主导制定 the first ISO international standard for concrete-filled steel tube structures ISO/FDIS 16521 Design of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) hybrid structures.

Han Linhai's honors

Han Linhai serves as the deputy editor-in-chief of journals of civil engineering/structural engineering (societies) in China, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The achievements he has achieved include:

In 1997, he was selected as one of the first and second levels of the national Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talent Project.

In 2004, he was funded by the National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation.

In 2014, he was appointed as a Distinguished Professor of the Changjiang Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education.

In 2019, he was appointed as the national chief science communication expert.

Awards obtained:

As the first completer, won the Second Prize of the National Natural Science Award (2019).

The First Prize of the Scientific Research Excellent Achievement Award of the Ministry of Education for Natural Sciences (2022).

The First Prize of the Standard Science and Technology Innovation Award (2022).

The S pecial Prize of the Guangxi Teaching Achievement Award (2023).
