Global Silicon Wafer Shipments in Q2 2024 and Market Trends

TapTechNews August 2nd news, according to the report released by SEMI's SMG (Silicon Manufacturers Group), the global silicon wafer shipments in the second quarter of 2024 reached 3.035 billion square inches (TapTechNews note: approximately 1.958 million square meters).

Compared to 2.834 billion square inches in the first quarter of 2024, the global silicon wafer shipping area in the previous quarter showed a 7% quarter-on-quarter increase, ending the consecutive three-quarter decline since the third quarter of 2023.

However, the data of 3.035 billion square inches still decreased by 8.9% compared to 3.331 billion square inches in the same period of 2023.

Global Silicon Wafer Shipments in Q2 2024 and Market Trends_0

The chairman of SEMISMG, Li Chongwei, vice president and chief auditor of GlobalWafers, said:

The silicon wafer market is recovering, thanks to the strong demand related to data centers and generative AI products.

Although the recovery is unbalanced for different applications, the 300mm (12-inch) wafer shipments increased by 8% quarter-on-quarter in the second quarter, performing the best among all wafer sizes.

More and more new semiconductor wafer factories are being built or expanding their capacity. This expansion and the long-term trend towards a one trillion dollar semiconductor market will inevitably bring more silicon wafer demand.
