Chinese AI Tools Popular in US Educational App Market

TapTechNews May 28th news, among the top 20 educational apps in the US App Store, 5 of them are AI tool software to help students complete their homework, among which the two most popular software, Gauth and QuestionAI, are both developed by Chinese companies.

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Gauth was launched by ByteDance in 2019, and QuestionAI was developed by Zuoyebang. Since its debut in 2023, QuestionAI has been downloaded 6 million times in the US App Store and Google Play. Many Chinese physical tutoring institutions and online learning applications have shifted their focus overseas since 2021 and achieved great success.

According to foreign media TechCrunch, Evan, a sophomore in high school from Houston, was stumped by a math problem. He opened an educational AI app on his iPhone and took a picture of the problem. Within a few seconds, the app generated the answer and attached a step-by-step process of solving the problem.

A year ago, Evan would solve his homework problems by watching YouTube videos. He also had a private tutor who charged $60 per hour (TapTechNews note: currently about 435 RMB). Evan said that the hourly fee of the tutor is close to the annual subscription fee of the educational AI app, so he stopped offline tutoring.

The founder of another educational AI app, AnswerAI, Zhou Li, said that the $60-per-hour tutoring fee in Houston is already much cheaper than services in wealthier areas such as the Bay Area, where the fee may be three times that of Houston. Artificial intelligence can achieve more personalized teaching, it can remember the learning habits of all students and will never get tired of answering questions.
