TSMC's CEO's Visit to ASML and TRUMPF

On May 28, TapTechNews reported that according to the Korean media BusinessKorea, the chief executive of TSMC, Wei Zhejia, skipped his company's own TSMC 2024 Technology Symposium on May 23 and traveled to Eindhoven in the Netherlands to visit the headquarters of ASML and the industrial laser specialist company TRUMPF in Ditzingen, Germany.

The chief executives of ASML, Christophe Fouquet, and TRUMPF, Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller, disclosed the itinerary of Wei's secret visit through social media.

TSMCs CEO's Visit to ASML and TRUMPF_0

TSMCs CEO's Visit to ASML and TRUMPF_1

The chief executive, Fuke, said: We introduced our latest technologies and new products to Mr. Wei, including how the High Numerical Aperture (HighNA) EUV equipment will realize future semiconductor microprocessing technologies.

TapTechNews reported on May 14 that Dr. Zhang Xiaoqiang of TSMC attended the technical symposium held in Amsterdam on May 14. He said straightforwardly: ASML's High-NA EUV is too expensive. I really like the ability of High-NA EUV, but I don't like its price.

TSMC is considering introducing HighNA EUV equipment for the process after the 1.6-nanometer product A16, which is scheduled to enter mass production in the second half of 2026, while using the existing LowNA EUV equipment before that.
