Tianya Community to Sell Domain Name for Restart

According to TapTechNews on May 26, after announcing self-help many times before, Tianya Community has a new move - selling the domain name.

Recently, there is a rumor on the Internet that Tianya Community plans to publicly sell the long-term reserved domain name hainan.com to help Tianya restart. It is said that the domain name quotation is not less than 500,000 yuan ($70,000).

Tianya Community to Sell Domain Name for Restart_0

At present, Xing Ming, the founder of Tianya, confirmed this news to the media Red Star News, stating that selling the hainan.com domain name is to speed up the process of Tianya's restart. The external quotation of this domain name is about 800,000 yuan ($112,000) and is communicating with the intended purchaser and hopes to meet the destined investor.

However, according to TapTechNews' previous report, in the Announcement on the Progress of Resuming Network Platform Access and the Progress of New Tianya released by the official Weibo account of Tianya Community on April 30, it mentioned that currently, the special funds required to restore network platform access have been implemented, but it still takes some time for the official resumption of access. As of now, the official website of Tianya Community is still inaccessible.

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